
In Home supports are available to anyone who lives in their own home, with parents or caregivers, or with roommates. Our In Home supports program is designed to help individuals with their daily needs, including but not limited to, cooking, cleaning, personal care, skill building, as well as some medical assistance, such as help taking medications and help attending medical appointments. We also encourage the individuals we support to go out and use In Home supports as a way to complete essential tasks in the community, such as shopping, attending appointments, etc. While this is not typically a 24/7 service, we strive to target our service times to maximize the effectiveness for each individual.
Some of the services provided by Key Living Options include personal care assistance, meal preparation, housekeeping, and transportation. These services are tailored to the individual needs of each client and are provided by qualified professionals with specialized training in caring for individuals with intellectual disabilities. To qualify for in-home services, individuals must have a diagnosis of an intellectual disability and must require additional support to maintain their independence. Additionally, individuals must have their own housing, such as an apartment or a house, in order to receive in-home services.
Research has shown that in-home services can significantly improve the lives of adults with intellectual disabilities. A study published in the Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities found that in-home support services increased individuals' socialization, community involvement, and daily living skills. In addition, individuals who received in-home services were more likely to be employed and to have increased income.
At Key Living Options, our goal is to help individuals with intellectual disabilities live fulfilling, independent lives. By providing the support and assistance they need in their own homes, we empower our clients to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. We are proud to offer high-quality in-home services and to make a positive difference in the lives of our clients.
Please contact your Support Coordinator to see if you qualify for these services.